I like the angry fade-in and arpeggiated line shortly thereafter. The stop-start transition at :06 didn’t really work for me, though. Sounds like you fleshed out two different ways of starting the piece and then just left them both in there. At the very least, I’d suggest drawing out the arpeggio build-up a little more before a big dramatic pause like that. The production is really loud and clear, if a bit over-compressed. I like the blissful melodies, mood, and atmosphere, but some of your samples sounded a bit cheesy and generic. Some of the more experimental elements of the texture are pretty cool. I like what you did with the transition at 1:36, even if it felt a bit too drawn-out. It was a nice way of warming the listener up to that tempo change. Good sense of build into 2:17 too. I think you didn’t quite hit this piece home, though. I liked the second drop, but I think the ending of the piece felt a bit rushed. I would’ve liked to hear some more melodic content towards the end to tie the piece together more. Maybe you could’ve brought back the melody at :36 with some subtle variations or something. I also think you didn’t incorporate some of your bingo board elements very well. I wasn’t able to pick out that ride cymbal until I saw you mentioned it in a forum post, and the E-guitar is also not easily identifiable. Overall, though, I think this is a pretty strong piece. Plenty of fun variety, rich harmonies, and a full atmosphere. Keep at it, Tomhson!
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Satisfies bingo requirement?
Composite score