I like the somewhat contained sound at the beginning and the cute synth riff at :13. I like the refrain at :26 too, but I think the texture didn’t quite fill out how I wanted it to there. The sub-bass is the most prominent addition to the instrumental there, and I think the texture could’ve used a tad more atmosphere (maybe even with some more mid-frequency tones if there’s room in the mix). I like the verse at 1:05, too - the backing vocals help fill out the texture too. I think the two vocal lines at 1:42 kinda trip over each other a bit (same thing at 2:58), but that’s a small detail. A bigger concern I have is that the harmonic framework of this piece feels pretty stagnant. The chorus is never varied throughout the piece, and the instrumental needs a bit more variety as well. I also thought the fade-out ending was a little underwhelming. That said, the melodic section at 2:21 helps out this piece a lot. It just adds a sense of directionality more so than anything else in the piece imo. I also think there are some generic aspects of the arrangement and lyrics in the piece, especially during the refrain. Overall, though, this is strong work. The production is really clean, and the piece has this underlying moodiness that’s easy to get into. Keep up the good work, Kurtiskong!
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score