The distorted synths at the beginning are cool, although I think I would’ve toned down the reverb a bit before you clearly established the chord progression at :06 - the reverb adds more to the texture when there’s more space in the mix. That’s a pretty small detail, though. The heavy chords at :16 sound a bit generic (the instrument, that is), and the drums at :38 are very distorted. I’d probably adjust the equalizing a bit in those chords to make some more room for drums, and some compression wouldn’t hurt. The transitions at :49 and 1:10 are pretty sudden, and I’m a little confused about the direction of this piece overall. There’s not much melodic content or cohesion, either. I appreciated when you stripped away the beat and pads at 2:15 for some structural variety, but I also would’ve liked to see you experiment more with dynamics and phrasing in this piece. The sound design is pretty cool, but I really think you need to go easy on the reverb and add some clarity to the mix. Panning is also a good tool to use to clean up the mixing. The lack of melodic content and constant distortion really hurt this piece a lot. There are some neat ideas here, but the production quality lacks clarity, and that detracts from my enjoyment of the piece. Please focus on mixing and mastering going forward - improving these skills is a major step towards making a strong piece. Tell you what: if you make a piece that has a cleaner mix, PM me and I’ll give you a scout. Good luck, man. ;)