I like the frantic synth riffs at the beginning. The mix is very clean, but also a little dry and thin-sounding. I would try loosening up the Equalizer/filters a bit and try to do more with panning or stereo widening. A little more reverb on the more atmospheric elements would also probably be advisable. The frequency range is pretty well-balanced, but it may also help if there were some more high-pitched tones in the texture. The pauses at around :40 don't work great for me - some reverb would've at least helped maintain the flow. I like the rhythmic elements and the sound design. My biggest problem with the piece is probably the lack of harmonic variety, actually - it just doesn't sound very dynamic, despite being over 4 minutes long. Still, this is a solid foundation, and your mixing has definitely improved: there's no clipping this time, and the compression isn't too heavy. Keep it up, ChronicBurnR! ^^