The progression is interesting at the beginning, and I like the drums at :26. The pacing of the piece is very slow, though. The piano sample isn’t my favorite, either - the timbre just doesn’t sound very authentic. The kick also sounds a little indistinct in the mix by around the 1-minute mark, and again at 6:30 or so. I’d suggest toning down the reverb and being stricter with equalizing. The part at 1:42 offered some good variety, although I’m not convinced this piece has enough coherence to make it one cohesive whole in my mind. Nine minutes is a LONG piece, even for ambient. There’s also not a ton of strong melodic content in here relative to the length of the piece. Mostly it’s just built of repetitive ambient riffs laid out in succession. The track doesn’t always have a strong sense of direction to it - more so continuity, and that makes it hard to stay engaged after a while. If you’re going to make a piece that’s so long, I’d suggest really using phrasing and dynamics as much as possible in order to keep the listener attentive. I also thought the fade-out ending came across as a bit lazy. Stringing together different ideas into one without acknowledging or developing previous ideas later in your piece is not an effective way of structuring your track. Consolidate your ideas and give the piece a little more shape, and this has the potential to be an awesome track! As for now, I did enjoy the atmosphere and mood of the piece throughout, especially at around the 8-minute mark, so that’s a huge plus. Keep at it, man. ;)