I liked the dramatic crash at the beginning. The synth lead is pretty cool, although I thought the drum samples were a little generic. The transition at :30 seemed to take the piece in a new direction really suddenly, though. I’d suggest smoothing that over a bit. The drop at :38 was pretty cool. I especially liked when you started using those cool effects at :53 that altered the timbre of the instruments. You then switch back to using that other lead with a pretty lazy fade-in at 1:10. I’d suggest using cross-fading or another more creative technique to connect the two characters I’m seeing in the piece. The mixing and mastering is solid here, although I would’ve liked to hear more structural variety - stripping away the beat at a non-transitional moment might be a good way to achieve that. Overall, the structure of the piece relies on the switch-off between the drop and the build-up without much to bridge the gap. I’d like to see you add some more complexity to the structure next time, and maybe even some more memorable (i.e., non-transitional) melodic content. Otherwise, it’s a catchy piece with some cool sound design. Put a little more effort into the composition, and you’d have a really solid track on your hands. Keep at it, man!