I like the mood and atmosphere at the beginning. Some of the synths and drum samples are a little cheesy, though, especially the clap and the synth that comes in at :07. The melody at 1:02 is a little square, and needs some rhythmic variety. I’d also prefer the drums to be a little stronger there. Usually, the snare should be the loudest instrument in the mix, and this is no exception. The pitch bending at 1:54 was a little bizarre, but worked strangely well to inject some cute quirkiness into the track. I think my favorite part is at 2:52. It has a great atmosphere and fullness to it. The mixing is overall pretty solid as well. I think you went a little too far with the pitch-bending at the end. It simply didn’t sound conclusive. Also, I’d like to see a little more variety in this in terms of energy. It’s worth taking the time to strip down the drums at some point to give this piece a little more shape. It can be hard to stay engaged with a piece if it sounds uniformly energetic, and this piece is pretty close to being just like that. Still, I think you won me over in the end with the cute synths, upbeat mood, and luscious atmosphere. Solid work!