I like the warm brassy pads at the beginning and the sense of climax throughout the first 30 seconds or so. Perhaps that initial riser was a little cliche and drawn-out, but I enjoyed the melody at :44. The piece is mastered nice and loudly too. The quirky instruments are cool, and they certainly seem reminiscent of classic video game music. In my experience, it’s usually good to be subtle about filtering, phasing, and portamento effects, but you seem to pull off some not-so-subtle phasing &c at around 1:02 - 1:10. ;) This piece is generally well-structured and smooth-flowing, with an odd drone-like quality. I liked the ominous string melodies at 1:36 a lot. The piece is very flowy, yet lacks dynamic contrast, phrasing, and a proper breakdown or bridge section to give it an overarching sense of development IMO. The final chorus seemed short-lived and concluded the piece very suddenly. I almost thought you had intended to loop it at first. I also would suggest varying your melodies more the 2nd time around. Otherwise, the piece feels a little stagnant and repetitive. Otherwise, this is solid work. The melodies are memorable, and you did a good job of selling the theme and mood of the piece. Keep at it, AeronMusic! ;)