Having the vocals in there as an intro wasn’t a bad idea, but I think you could’ve done a lot more to connect them more smoothly to the instrumental section that followed. A general rule of thumb is that you should always carry over one or two instruments to the next section during additive transitions. I liked the melodies at :07, although the chord progression was cliche. Then, you repeat that melody almost continuously until around the 2-minute mark with little added variety, which was a bit of a structural oddity. And that part at 1:57 sounds a little out-of-place, probably at least partly because it’s hard to make out the tonic because of that sweep you threw in there. The downbeats during that breakdown section also indicate a completely different progression as during the refrains, which makes the transition back into 2:52 pretty rough as well. I appreciated the variations on the melody you there, but then you launch into this uncharacteristically dissonant sections which also threw me off as a listener. There are two clashing moods here - the upbeat progression of the chords and bass and the newly creepy, atonal melody. Dissonance can be effective in music, but with the preceding ¾ of the piece being so cheerful and no structural changes warning me of this impending dissonance, I’m left confused as a listener. And then the bouncy, high-pitched synths you added at 3:19 were annoying, loud, and harsh-sounding. I also have no clue where the part at 3:48 came from. I don’t recall hearing any strings earlier in the piece, and generally it’s not a good idea to introduce new instruments to your piece during the last 30 seconds. Never mind the fact that 3:48 sounds like you copied and pasted it from a completely different track. Overall, this track has very little coherence, which is strange because the first 2 minutes or so actually lacked variety IMO. You mention in the description that you “never ran out of ideas,” but I think one of the main problems here is that you tried to work with too many ideas at once and the piece lost its sense of direction. You want to ground your listener in a familiar structure before creating any sweeping variations. In my view, you have not done that here. However, I have few complaints with the mixing and mastering and you did a good job of keeping the texture full throughout. Most of my complaints have to do with the structure and transitions, so I think that is what you should focus on, my friend. Good luck, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to PM me. Keep at it, EnNinja! ;)