I like the initial dynamic between the furtive strings and the gruff electronic bass. It has an overarching sense of climax for the first minute or so, but you also change different elements of the song in bizarre anticlimactic ways (for example, you have this energetic drum section at :41, which you then exchange by :55 for a more mellow one). The beat is amusing and unique. However, there’s very little melodic content in this piece, and when there is (1:57), its rhythm is flat and dull and you don’t bring it forward in the mix nearly as far as you should. The piece has a sense of continuity about it which I would’ve liked to see broken at one point in order to offer structural variety. The string pads are droning on for basically the entire piece, thereby missing an opportunity to create more dynamic contrast and emotional highs and lows. I have no complaints with the mixing and mastering, however. The piece has a full texture throughout with well-balanced and clear frequencies all around. Overall, this is a solid piece, but you could have channeled the emotion a lot more with some more melodic variety and a more visible breakdown section. Keep at it, man. ;)