This is pretty catchy. The chord progression is cliche, but the string samples aren’t that bad. Compositionally, the whole piece seemed pretty transitional, like one 3-minute-long breakdown section. You needed stronger and more memorable melodies in there, man. I also think you could’ve used some percussion to tie the various sections of the piece together more smoothly. You set it up to loop but it doesn’t loop all that cleanly, and the ending you have in there now is conclusive enough, if a little lazy. The main problem I have with this piece, though, is that it has extremely little structural contrast. You pretty much kept it at the same volume level for the entire piece. Across all these little 4-measure phrases you have, there’s no sense of build or climax. I’d recommend experimenting more with volume levels and filtering as a way of building tension and then releasing it. The mixing and mastering isn’t bad, but without drums, there’s very little mixing to do. I didn’t notice any panning, creative use of reverb, or anything else. Overall, it’s pretty dry and dull. I’d recommend looking up tutorials on how to use automation in your DAW as a first step towards improving your work. You can give pieces like this all of the emotional ups and downs that a real symphony has. It just takes more time and effort than what you’ve produced here. Good luck with your future projects, man. Let me know if you have any questions about what I’ve said here. ;)