I like the pensive synths at the beginning and the dramatic sweep at :16. There’s a good sense of build into :31, and I like the energy and variety in the sound design there too. The mix could’ve been a tad sharper in places, and there’s a lot of reverb in the texture that’s probably not helping matters. I had to replay 1:33 several times because I thought my ears were deceiving me, but YES there is a bit of dissonance in there, probably layered onto one of the sweeps with a stray oscillator. It’s really subtle, though, and actually helps contribute to the underlying tension in the piece.
The drop at 1:46 was a pleasant surprise - the rhythmic content there is especially creative, but it’s also the section that lays bare the production issues. The drums could be a lot more punchy there, and are seriously struggling to stay on top of the mid-range bass and airy pads. I like the injection of energy at 2:31 and the return of the string synths at 2:47, although it also would’ve been nice if you had switched up the main melody the second time around. Pacing-wise, the end of the piece felt a tad rushed - even if you had copy-pasted the post-chorus at :47, that might’ve helped wind down this track in a more satisfactory way.
Overall, I really like the melodies, vocal samples, instrumental sound design, and rhythmic content here. The mixing remains my biggest concern, although a tad more variety later on in the piece couldn’t hurt. Also, I didn’t find a place to mention it earlier, but that little snare roll thing you do at 2:42 and a couple of other places is awesome! Keep at it, Ryzmik. ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score