It's very catchy, and I love the instruments and mood. I feel like it may be slightly cliché, though: this is pretty much the standard bassline to use in a large portion of traditional blues music. However, I thought you did a great job of providing a lot of variation, including an awesome acoustic bass at 1:30 and even electronic elements starting at 1:45. I liked the structure and transitions, and most of the instruments too, but the one at 2:18 sounded a little high-pitched and harsh to me. It started feeling a bit busy around 2:52. I think you have a habit of forcing the harmonies a bit too much after a certain point in your pieces, LunacyEcho. I have the same problem. We'll work on it together! ;) Anyway, the ending was cool. You managed to pack a LOT of instruments in there and still make in coherent, which is excellent! Keep up the great work! ;D