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New music from Lockyn? Always a good day! :D Completely unexpected too! It's very catchy, melodic, and even relaxing. I love the atmospheric synths that pop in around 1:04. It does progress a little slowly at times, but that is the very nature of the genre, I suppose. I love how you always incorporate that melodic, contemplative piano into a lot of your tracks, Kyle! The transition at 3:04 felt a little sudden for me, even with that sweep. It might've been smoother if you did a bit of a fade-in there. I think you recycled some instruments (or at least plug-ins) from previous tracks, especially Gradient (like at :34). However, I must say, despite the fact that your endings are sometimes a little anti-climactic, I thought you did a good job with this one of having a distinct outro. Overall, great job, and you already know how pumped I am for Load! ;D

Lockyn responds:

Haha, thanks so much for the lightning fast reply! I like your transition idea, so I'm changing the track there :D You'll see the updated soon! I don't recycle stuff - but I do have a very distinct and sometimes inflexible method of synthing, and I almost solely use Sytrus to synth - that may be why xD It's also because I'm not that knowledgeable about the different methods of making sounds, so a lot of my sounds sound similar. (Wow, that's a mouthful.) True that about my endings LOL, and thanks - I'm glad you enjoyed this! WHOO! Thanks again dude, cheers ^__^

I liked the effect you used at the beginning, but it seemed a little arbitrary in my opinion. The intro has a house sort of feel to it, especially with the little blips at the ends of phrases, which I liked. I still think you overused the "woohs" a bit at :22, although I liked what you did with the filtering there. The part at :30 feels like more of a breakdown than a verse, which you seem to be using it as. I think you need to work a lot on structure and cohesion because the part at 2:44 seemed a bit out-of-place, as well as the instrument at the very end. I'll even go so far as to say that it was a pretty hasty and lazy way to end the piece, and I expected a more climactic ending from you, TastyTeo. I also think the clap at 2:28 sounded a little too industrial for a piece like this. I'm sorry about the mostly negative review. It's clearly a well-mastered piece with some cool instruments and melodies. I'm just being tough on you because you're practically already famous, man! ;) Most of these comments are very picky. I'll also say that I admire your loyalty to a very traditional genre of music amidst a web community that's increasingly becoming associated with more "radical" genres of music. That said, I also encourage growth through experimentation. Above all, keep up the good work, DJ Theof. ;D

TastyTeo responds:

Wow thank you for all your notices, you really help me very much with those words dude don't worry i won't misunderstand anything here :D Love reviews like this! <3!!!!! Well i just started out doing hardstyle stuff so it's obvious i need more practice haha, as for the ending at 2:44 that was supposed to be the "climatic" ending over there, but i guess i did not correctly applied it into the song haha,
Really thanks again!

Oh and it's not DJ Theof anymore, it's Technoplasmatic !!!

Well, admittedly this isn't anything at all like I had in mind, but it's still really cool. It's a bit too atmospheric for dance music imo, and I wouldn't call that glitchy beat danceable, exactly. Repetitive 4/4 beats usually characterize traditional techno/house. But that's not really important in the grand scheme of things. It's very catchy and trance-ish - in ways it reminds me a lot of "Inside the Machine." I love those eerie harmonies at 1:25, and it does have a certain alien aesthetic to it. The ending was cool, and I like the title a lot too. It's a very interesting and cool piece, and thank you for accepting this challenge. Now I'm willing to return the favor. Is there a challenge you have for me? :D

johnfn responds:

I actually issue a lot of challenges to other people, so it's always fun when people turn the tables on me :D Though I won't consider your challenge to me fulfilled until I actually submit something in the dance genre ;P 4/4 beats coming up...eventually...

It's quite coincidental that you asked me for a challenge considering that I gave you one in my review! I'd also say you could try writing music faster - aim for a turnaround of a couple of days. I've already told you about that though :)

Thanks for the review!

Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

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Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

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