This certainly is a deviation from some of your other stuff, Matt. It's a little distorted for my tastes, and it gets very repetitive after a while, but it does feel very climactic and energetic. I like the transition at 2:05 a lot, but I think it could've led more of somewhere. The track does loop well, however. I think you need to use some other synths besides Z3TA+ and Sylenth because your music almost has TOO MUCH integrity across tracks. Also, the balance seems a little off at times: the bass completely overpowers the pads and melodies. Furthermore, I think the kick should be a bit louder - dubstep really relies on the contrast between the kick and the snare for the intense mood it communicates. Sorry if this review seems a bit nit-picky and negative, but I feel like I've learned a lot in the four months since I've reviewed one of your tracks and I'm trying to use that info to help you! ;) Talk to you soon, Matt! ;D