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I loved the instrument you used for the melody and the variations with that bass-y instrument (like at :58, 1:07, etc.). Maybe a little repetitive, but it's well-structured and upbeat! ^^ I liked the ending, but I think you overused that crash a little bit starting around 3:07. Overall, great work! You were one on NG's break-out artists of 2012, and still going strong! Keep it up, man! :D

TastyTeo responds:

The beat was 3/4 and not 4/4 so i had to end it the 3/4 way :P it is correct but it is not that good for the ear if you know what i mean, anyway thanks for the review :D

I like the bass-y intro and cresendo that starts at around :14. It's climactic and catchy (as usual), but I also like what you do with the beat at :56. It adds some flavor and variation to the piece. The instruments were good (as usual), and I don't know how you did the effect with that instrument at 1:09, but it sounded really cool! :D It was a little repetitive and long, and you already know what I'm going to say about switching up the style of your pieces sometime :P ...but I liked how this one had those bass-y parts in it, and the breakdown at 2:59 was good, but I thought the transition leading into it could've been smoother. I liked the variations with the bass at 5:44, but I thought the ending could've been stronger. Overall, good job, but I'd honestly be much more motivated to keep reviewing your pieces if you tried experimenting with some different genres. Keep up the good work, DylnMatrix. :)

Dylnmatrix responds:

Thanks for the review! I will be trying out some new genres soon, I just need the right tools to do so. I'm looking at buying Massive when I start working this summer so I can start trying out some Complextro/Dubstep/whatever I decide. I'm also going to be working with a friend of mine who writes Electro House stuff to learn how to make songs in that style. So the experimenting will begin soon! Just need the right stuff to do it :)

But during this time, I'm going to be remastering a lot of my old tracks due to me learning more how to properly master my tracks, and I was curious as to how my older tracks would sound with the mixing and mastering techniques I've learned.

Anyways, thanks for reviewing again, and hopefully I can satisfy your need to hear different stuff from me soon.

Nice and climactic. :53 was a little sudden- maybe you could use a crash or something to keep the flow a little bit more there. I liked the vocals and the emotional contrast, though. I think 2:04 should lead somewhere more, and it needs more of a definitive ending, but I like the instruments and style of this piece, although I think I recognize one or two from your other tracks. Keep it up, man. This is one of your better tracks in my opinion! :D

JQiscool responds:

Yes, this was made in much similarity to "All That I Have"
I realized that after I made this one!
Anyway, thanks for reviewing again!

I was instantly engaged. It feels nice and fresh. The transition at :44 didn't seem to lead anywhere, though, and I wasn't crazy about the variations at :45. Similarly to "The Battle," it doesn't have a lot of substance at some points. The randomness didn't exactly work for me- I like songs with structure, but that's just me. The transition needs to be smoother at 2:58, and I think in general you need harmonize more. It's also a little repetitive at times. It's really catchy and I like the instruments and mood, though. I just think it needs to be more connected. It loops pretty well, but it's pretty long for a loop. I would probably end it with a bass-y D, held for at least a measure or two. ;) ...but I probably shouldn't tell you exactly how to end your piece. Good start; it just needs to be cleaned up around the edges. Keep up the good work! :)

JQiscool responds:

Wow that's a lot of stuff
I'll start fixing em up!

I liked the melody and the harmonies weren't that bad, but I didn't really like the instruments or the beat. It looped pretty well, but the mood threw me off- it just seemed a bit rough and bass-y to be upbeat like most 8-bit videogame music. I'm not saying it has to be upbeat- I'm just not sure what the mood you were going for here is, and I think you should make that clearer, while also giving it more direction and form. Hope this review helped you. Keep at it, man. ;)

Rhoder responds:

I am aware that the sounds are a hit rough sometimes

Not really sure what is confusing about the mood though

I like how it's so climactic, but it's a little repetitive in the beginning. Your transitions were good. I especially liked the one at :42. It looped pretty well, but it also doesn't have a whole lot of substance. It's a good start, but you should definitely keep working on it. It has potential. ;)

JQiscool responds:

Thanks for reviewing!
I'll be sure to work on all that for the final version

I like the ominous mood and instruments. It started off a little slow, but that penetrating bass and huge climax were just engrossing. I loved the transition at 1:38 and the suspense that came with it. It seemed a little slow and repetitive at times, and dubstep isn't my favorite genre, but I felt this one, man. Good job. ;)

Pernix responds:

Thanks, dude! I'll work on adding some more flair and variety to the stuff I make in the future.

Nice! :D I like how it's so climactic and catchy. The instruments were good, too. I'm not a huge fan of progressive stuff, but I liked the breaks at 1:44 and the transitions were all really smooth. I liked the breakdown at 2:43 as well, and you certainly kept the emotion and energy levels up. It's nice and upbeat, and really well-structured, too. A solid piece. Keep it up, Khrossfire! ;)

Lockyn responds:

Thanks so much for reviewing! :D

Progressive is meh for a lot of people I know too. They tell me it's too repetitive. Mebbe I break that rule this time hopefully? xD

Thank you :) I was actually afraid people wouldn't like that it was so empty at the breakdown. we'll see ^^

gah Thank you again!!

Really interesting! It's bass-y, funky, and there's a lot of variation! Personally I'm not sure I like what you did with those vocals, but I do like that you constantly experiment with different styles. I also like the instruments in this one, especially the brass and bass. The ominous ending at 4:03 put a whole new twist on things! One things for sure- I'm always entertained when I listen to your music, Waterflame. :D

Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

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Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

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