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I like the creepy, ambient instruments and pacing of the song. I think the beat could've been a lot stronger, and there were parts of the song in which I felt like you could've done a little more with it, as it doesn't have a lot of substance in general, but still a pretty solid ambient groove. Keep up the good work. ;)

knee-grow responds:

I think, listening the day after, their definitely could have been more substance. I appreciate the kind words though :)

It's catchy and it loops well. I like how it's constantly changing, and, while it is different from many of your other tracks, I'm still getting those half-ambient, half-epic vibes that are in a lot of your other pieces. Rock isn't my favorite genre, but great job as usual! ;)

mistarogerz responds:

Support is everything! Thanks for listening!

I love how all your songs are so climactic! The instruments were awesome and the beat and melody were very engaging and catchy. This one started out a bit slowly for me, but all of your pieces, this included, are very well-structured. I liked the breakdown at 2:10 and the transition at 3:24. The ending was great, too. It could even loop if you wrapped the remainder at the end. Anyway, I love your style, Envy. Keep it up! ;)

Nice! :D I like how you totally reinvented the mood of this track. I like the instruments and the melody at :56. You could stand to slow down the tempo a little more in my opinion, but you still managed to take some of the energy away, while keeping it cute and engaging. It didn't loop perfectly well in my opinion, but still a solid remix. I'd love to hear some original tracks by you, GenoWhirled. Keep it up, man! :)

I liked the climactic intro and the distorted instruments, but the part after :50 got a little repetitive, and I didn't like the effect you used at 1:04. 1:14 was a bit of a rough transition, but maybe that was just to give some finality to the preview. I listened to the whole thing on Youtube, and I liked it in general. Some of the transitions were a little cliche, and it got a little repetitive after a while, but pretty good job. Keep up the good work. ;)

Yes! :D Finally! It was really catchy and climactic, and you incorporated the Blitzcrank samples really well. The melody fits your style perfectly- exactly why I fell in love with your music all those years ago ^^. I also liked the rhythmic section at 2:50. Awesome use of instruments, and incredibly well-structured. Top-notch material as always, Psybot! Hope you post more often from now on. :D

I like it. :) The beat was good and the ominous beginning was interesting. I think you need more of a smooth transition at :30. After that, it was pretty catchy, but I thought the melody at 1:00 was a little strange. You had another one of those stop-and-go transitions at 1:33, but I liked the breakdown bit after that. 2:10 was a much better transition. The piano at 2:25 seemed to come out of nowhere, and maybe it's just not my style, but I'm not sure I like the stop-and-go transitions like at 2:42. I liked the transition at 3:15, though. In general, I felt it was a bit longer than it needed to be, but I liked the instruments you used and the beat. Keep up the good work! :)

GlitchAssassIn93 responds:

0_o´´ Whoa tanx for your respond dude! i really gonna take that info =)

Interesting...it's dreamy and relaxing, but it also has a lot of energy. Love the climactic nature of it and the moody, ambient feeling in certain sections. It's pretty repetitive and distorted at times- not my favorite genre- but I understand that this is your style. ;) I like the rhythmic and energetic sections a lot as well as the dreamy beginning. In general, it's pretty catchy and unique, and I liked the ending. Good job! :)

SynchroSpectre responds:

Haha, unique? Almost every piece Trance music similar to this is almost exactly the same, this song follows the monotonous build and the breakdown the same way almost every classic Trance piece, of course some people try and mix things up a bit to prevent that but hey, this is a pretty easy genre.

(btw, I didn't do any "fade ins" and "fade outs" this time ;)

Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

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Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

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