I like the quirky synths and ominous piano riff at the beginning. The entrance of the piano doesn’t really line up with the downbeat for a while, but it becomes less noticeable when the beat comes in at :09. I’m enjoying the sense of climax into :35, and the quirky rhythmic content at :36 is really creative. I think you may have gone a tad overboard with the echo and reverb effects, as in several places the piano gets a bit drowned out in the mix, especially at 1:20. The texture also sounds pretty thin throughout, although the more frantic sections like 2:00 or so are slightly richer than others. The rhythm at 2:22 is a bit hard to follow, but I like the piano solos at 2:43 and how you transition back into the gritty percussive texture at 2:57. It seems like 3:32 is a good culmination of the various motifs in the piece, but I was a little disappointed to see this piece end in a fade-out - doesn’t really resolve the tension that’s present in the piece, nor does it feel very conclusive in general. Overall, I think the piece needed a bit more harmonic depth in places to keep me engaged, and the experimental texture of it was a bit overdone. Counterbalancing the creepy rhythmic and industrial ideas with something more atmospheric, melodic, or at least full-textured might’ve been more effective as a way of channeling the tension and energy of the piece into a more compelling narrative form. That said, this is one of the more unique sound designs I’ve heard so far in the contest, and you’ve definitely sold the ominous mood of this piece really well. Thanks for coming out to the NGUAC, dogsinmrimachines! It was a plesiosaur to meet you too. :)
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score