---Official AIM review---
I like the dreamy synths at the beginning. The piece is a little slow to progress, and I think the transition at :29 was a bit lazy. The build-up into :48 was nice, and the melodies there are enjoyable. You might have overdone the reverb a tad there, though. I think the kick ducks under the mix a tad, and tightening up some of the reverb/delay effects might help it come through a bit more. I like the bridge section at 2:07 a lot, and the subsequent build-up into 2:33 felt really cathartic. Again, the mix could’ve been a lot tighter here, and that’s especially noticeable during the last refrain. The mix is loud, just not always as clean and sharp as it could be. You might need more compression on the drums and more careful equalizing in addition to the reverb concerns. I also wasn’t a huge fan of the instrumentation. A lot of the synths here are really cheesy, and you also could’ve done a lot more creative things with the drums in this piece. Overall, the piece is well-structured and smooth-flowing, but there are quite a few very repetitive elements. You’ve done a good job channeling the energy and selling the emotional aspects of the piece, but a lot of times your melodies/prominent riffs are heavily grounded in the chords and rely on a repetitive, cliche chord progression. The piece comes together so well in the end because you combine two of the main riffs you’re using within that framework, which is compositionally a very effective tool. That said, I’m not giving you many points for originality here. It’s a feel-good and melodic kind of piece, but the mixing issues and generic sound design and chord progression take away from it a bit. Overall solid work! You guys have a great sense of harmony, and you also know how to shape and structure a piece very well.