I like the riff at the beginning, although you may have gone a little overboard with the reverb - the instrument seems to have a lot of feedback. I wasn’t a huge fan of your drum samples - that kick has a lot of treble, and the snare was a bit dry. It’s also really easy to tell that the snare is getting distorted by the pads at :55. I think you need to be stricter about equalizing all of the instruments here and compressing the drums. It was a good idea to bring the piece full-circle with the riff at 2:00, but I think you needed a smoother transition there. The piece also has a sense of continuity without much structural variety - the energy levels don’t change all that much, and I’m not hearing anything in the way of dynamic contrast or phrasing. I want you to find more ways of creating variety besides adding and subtracting instruments over time - using filtering, volume levels, and automations could really add some emotion into this piece. The melodic content here is solid, though, and you have a good sense of harmony. Keep at it, BeeFef. :)