I like the somewhat contained, furtive sound at the beginning and the generous use of sustain. The piece has a great sense of wonder about it, and 1:01 feels like a grand arrival point - a moment of discovery. I think you overuse the rolls a bit at around the 1-minute mark, but the cutesy melody that follows at 1:14 helps bring back a more humble and innocent tone to the piece. The chords at the transition at 1:54 are a bit bizarre, but I also understand that the section that follows is something of an inflection point for the piece. From 2:00 to 2:20 or so, the piece sounds very still, and 2:15 feels like an apex of nostalgia but also longing, as if the protagonist is reading a letter from a deceased loved one. The descending scale at 2:22 is a very good transition. Once the low, richer tones seep back into the piece, it’s all the more effective at captivating my attention because of the high-pitched melodic swells of the section before. I also like how the section at 2:26 has some of the same melodic motifs, with some added decoration. It’s as if the protagonist is able to carry on after the death of his mother, but keeps her memory alive by employing the lessons she taught him every day. I also like the mysterious, pensive theme that starts at around 3:23. The key change at 3:41 sounds pretty jarring, and the ending of this piece comes on pretty suddenly. Still, this piece has a deeply satisfying arrangement, a remarkable amount of cohesion, and some super fun transitions/compositional details. Strong work again, Ale! Keep it up. ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score