I like the atmosphere at the beginning, and how you gradually use the kick as a sort of build-up into :23. As with most of your tracks, it's pretty repetitive and progresses rather slowly, but at least it's not quite as long as some of them. I enjoyed the riser that started at 1:18, as well as the uncharacteristically heavy drop for you at 1:29. The mastering was, in fact, rather good, as you alluded to in the description. I thought the drums were a bit loud, which is especially noticeable during the breakdown section between 2:15 and 3:00. Perhaps in order to heighten the contrast between the drop at 3:20 and that breakdown section, you should make the snare a bit softer and drier and gradually crank up the reverb before the drop (this coming from someone who has little experience making music of this genre himself). I love the echo effects at 5:08, though. They really give the piece that last touch of mystery before the final fade-out. Overall, great job! I think you should continue to push the boundaries of this genre and others as well for the good of your music career. This is a stand-out track amidst your other recent ones. Nice job! ^^