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I just remembered that you asked for a review on your NGUAC piece, and it seems like there aren't any judges biting yet, so here I am!

I like the eerie whistling and pulsing atmospheric pads at the beginning. The harmonies are a bit dissonant, but the texture comes together well by 1:20 or so. The reverb is a tad thick, but otherwise the mix is well-balanced and rich-sounding. The piano solos help keep me engaged too. The synth bass sounds a tad generic, but otherwise the sound design is really nice overall. The orchestral flair of the piece at 3:00 or so was a nice touch, and the edgier tone at 3:17 was a good change-of-direction to the track. The vocals at 3:17 sound a bit indistinct in the mix - were they recorded specifically for this track, or are they sampled from somewhere? After a slow climb down from the emotional height at 3:17, the eerie church bell at 4:50 helps me refocus, and I like the more mysterious tone of the rest of the piece. The whispered vocals at around 5:35 fit the mood very well, and you've really made a great effort at making the piece come full-circle. This is really strong cinematic work here, BlighterProductions. Best of luck in the Knockout Round! ^_^

BlighterProductions responds:

Hey man, thanks for the review. TeraVex had also sent me some feedback, but he gave me some through PM’s.

I enjoyed making this one because I was discovering some new possibilities in the software that I was using, and I wanted to experiment with sound more. In my opinion, I think the mix sounds a bit muffled, but that would also add to the isolation that the piece is based around.

The whistling was inspired by the music that director Quentin Tarantino uses in some of his movies, and they always kinda have an isolated or tense feeling for me, so that is why the whistling is in there.

The vocals were synthesized, so there was no audio recording or sample involved. They sound a bit hollow because it is supposed to illustrate the aforementioned isolated vibe. Only the whistle and the “lie down and close your eyes” part were vocalized by me personally.

With the piano, I took an effect which made it sound like it was surrounded by brick walls, and you’re listening from the other side. It illustrates that feeling of being stuck in an enclosure, with the outside world on the other side of the wall.

The piece for me overall revolves around the confusion of being abducted and being taken somewhere unknown, hence the strange pacing and instrumentation. The growth in energy represents the increasing clarity of the lead character as he becomes more and more aware of his surroundings as his consciousness kicks in. I leave it up to the listener to interpret whether the place where he/she was taken to is good or not. To me, the tone of the song is a bit moody, but also kind of hopeful.

The part where the orchestrals come in is where the character conceives a plan to escape the place, which is why there is a tense energy in that particular part of the song. Then again, I let the listener interpret or theorize whether or not the escape plan had worked. The ending can mean one of two things:

1-The character has escaped, and now takes a well deserved rest from his breakout, or…
2-He/she was caught in the attempt, and thrown back into his/her cell, to spend the rest of his/her life pondering his/her fate, until he/she is old and unable to escape.

Anyways, thanks for the review, and I hope to be able to put out a track in time.


I like the wistful mood at the beginning and the cutesy melodies. The crisp beats at :25 are nice too, although the snare might be a tad heavy given the mellow vibes during the first 45 seconds or so of the piece. The refrain at :51 was also a pleasant experience, and I’m thoroughly convinced that your melody-writing skills are quite strong now. The breakdown at 1:42 was good for some structural contrast, but a bit minimal and uninspired. I also think a lot of the synths here are a bit cheesy, but I enjoyed the build-up into 2:55 and the more melodic flair the second drop takes on. The texture has a great languid feel to it, which fits the nostalgic melodies really well. Stripping away the beat for the outro was also a good idea; it really sold the emotional quality of the piece. Overall, I really like the composition and production quality here! The instrumentation, while a tad corny, seems fitting in context. The arrangement was a tad generic too, but the progression was also effective at giving this piece a strong sense of narrative. A memorable piece for sure! Keep at it, Zephpopli. ^_^

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

I like the catchy beats and quirky synth riffs at the beginning. The mix is loud and clear, if maybe a tad over-compressed. The rhythmic content here is fantastic, but I would’ve liked to hear some more variety in the harmonic content over time - structural contrast, dynamic melodies, etc. You’re clearly a talented producer, though. The mixing effects, sound design, production quality, and defiant mood of the whole piece are really compelling. Keep at it, Z3RKON! :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

I like the tranquil mood and medieval theme at the beginning. The hip-hop beat pairs really nicely with the majestic strings and harps. The bass might be a tad loud, but overall the mixing and mastering is really strong here. I like the flute solo at 1:14 a lot too, and the string solo at the end hits the piece home nicely. I also like how the piece comes full circle by the end with the distinguished-sounding harpsichord - makes the piece more loopable that way. :) The composition here could’ve been a tad bolder and more dynamic in places, but overall this is really strong work, Young-Kingler! Keep it up. ^_^

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

You have some really creative rhythmic ideas in this piece, and the instruments are cute and feel fitting for a video game. It is a bit hard to follow some of the rhythms before the rest of the texture fills in, and the composition feels pretty disjointed here. You have a lot of different riffs that play one after the other without much interconnectivity between them, from :07 to :11 to :17 to :30 (which was an especially rough transition) to :38, etc. There’s some repetition later on, but the content is still pretty minimal and choppy. I think one of the most difficult aspects of writing music is layering different harmonies on top of each other, but I think until you find a way to either make that layering work or transition more gradually between these different harmonic ideas, this piece will be a bit jarring to listen to. I’d suggest trying to consolidate your ideas and working on having multiple harmonies playing at once, rather than creating variety by lining up all your harmonic riffs back-to-back. When you feel like you’ve done that, PM me and I’ll leave you another review. And to be clear, a lot of the isolated ideas here are good. The organ-sounding synth at :48 is really catchy and fun, for example. It’s just that the transitions between the ideas are a bit abrupt. Keep at it, YingYong215! :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

I like the eerie atmosphere at the beginning. The progression is a bit slow-paced, though, and the start of the busy beat at :47 comes on pretty suddenly. The rhythmic content is really creative here, but I would’ve liked to hear some more harmonic content at some point to make the piece a bit more well-rounded and fill out the texture. There were some creative ideas, like the addition of the squeaky rhythmic synth at 2:00 or so. The section at 2:19 is nice - sounds like an appropriate breakdown for the piece, even though there wasn’t much harmonic content in the preceding 2 minutes. But the transition into 2:19 is pretty rough, as is the transition back into the frantic beat at 3:08. The dark, minimal bridge at 3:45 is also evocative and neat, and I like how it continues to repeat once the beat comes back. The effects at around 5:25 are really cool, and the echo-y vocals shortly thereafter seem really ominous in the context of the dark tone of the rest of the piece. The distortion at the end was quite fitting. Frankly, I think the persistent minimalism of this piece is a big missed opportunity, and the arrangement feels rather choppy at times, but this is still pretty compelling content. The mix is clean and clear, if rather heavily compressed, the sound design is quite evocative, and the rhythmic content and atmosphere are top-notch. Keep at it, xPastelxBloodx! :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

I like the eerie atmosphere at the beginning and the occasional injections of edgy guitar notes. The progression is pretty slow-paced in the first 2 minutes, and I think the gradual fade-out before the beat came in at 1:43 disrupted the flow a bit. It’s a bit jarring how the energy level of the piece changed so suddenly. I like the warm, smooth texture by around 2:15, though, and the climax into 2:54 was nice. I think the drums get a bit buried in the mix at that point, but I appreciate the melodic content and cutesy sound design. The chord progression is a bit cliche, but the rhythmic variations at around 3:30 help keep me engaged, and the guitar solo at 4:00 was a nice touch. The piece feels really conclusive and triumphant by around 5:00, and the organ synth solo at 5:40 was another highlight for me. At some point, I might’ve liked to see a bit more structural contrast from you - a section where you strip away the beat and add some variety to the instrumental palette, that is - especially in such a long piece. The return of the guitar solos at 6:33 was a welcome development, though, and overall you hit the piece home quite well. Something about the atmospheric sections that bookend the piece feel a bit superfluous to me. They’re lovely in and of themselves, but I’m not sure how they contribute to the narrative of the rest of the track. You could try integrating them with each other, but that might be difficult given the very different moods they elicit. Overall, besides the disjointed structure at either end of the piece, I think my biggest problem here is the mixing. The drums could’ve been a lot punchier with some more careful equalizing and a little more compression. The “middle section” between 1:43 and 7:28 could also probably use some more variety and phrasing to keep the listener engaged. That said, I like the sound design, atmosphere, mood, rhythmic elements, and melodic content of the piece a lot. Keep at it, Windman03! :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

I like the spacey pads at the beginning. The chord progression is a bit fast-paced considering the large jumps in pitch between them, but by :30 or so the texture is coming together pretty well. The vocaloid section is a bit cheesy, and a lot of the drum samples are pretty generic. At some point, I would’ve liked to see you shake up the harmonic framework a bit. The echo-y vocals at 1:28 were a good idea, but other than that there’s not a ton of novel content in the second half of this piece. Overall, I like the cute mood, progression, and atmosphere of this one, but I think it needs some more variety, tighter mixing and mastering, and better-polished synths. Still, the rhythmic content, upbeat vibes, and creative drum riffs are memorable here. Keep at it, WMTH! :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

I like the ominous percussion and atmosphere at the beginning. The progression is a bit slow-paced, but the echo effects and heavy percussion help keep things interesting for a while. The rhythmic content is good, too, and the alternating ascending and descending synth lines (like at 1:01) are also pretty neat. By around the 2-minute mark, though, I’m getting a little restless with the persistent minimalism of the piece. The atmosphere feels a bit more saturated by that point, but I still need some harmonic content to grasp onto at some point. There are some creative compositional and rhythmic ideas in here, and the bass at 2:33 helps at least outline the skeleton of a chord progression, but it’s not quite enough to keep me engaged after a while. I could see this piece fitting quite well in a post-apocalyptic-themed video game, but as a stand-alone piece the composition is pretty bland at the end of the day. You’re clearly a talented producer with a knack for creating catchy beats, foreboding moods, and rich textural atmospheres, but I was looking for a bit more harmonic depth here. My favorite aspect of this piece is probably the mood. You do overuse the ascending and descending synth patterns a bit by the end, but in the meantime there’s plenty of great nightmare fuel in here, especially at around 6:10. Keep at it, VictorLincolnPine! :)

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

VictorLincolnPine responds:

The piece was designed for a game where the world is foreboding and deadly at every turn, but eventually the player becomes so powerful that world itself can literally be erased by them if they so choose. I didn't necessarily compose it for engagement, but rather as the background for something the player is already doing (in this case trudging through the very deadly Frozen Vault, where there's explosives literally buried in the snow).

Thank you for your honest criticism. I will keep it in mind for future works. (especially for this knockout round).

Addendum: Just to let you know, there are in fact no chords in this piece. The work is a shaman style piece that uses drums and sound design with sparse synth.

I like the cutesy instruments and melodies at the beginning. The chords sound a tad clunky, though - you might want to make sure the notes aren’t too close together in pitch, just to open them up a bit. No need to change the actual chords, just move notes up or down an octave until they sound a bit looser and milder. I like the injection of energy at :39 and the vocals at the transition at :38. The harmonic content here is pretty repetitive, and I also wish the melodies were a bit more prominent in the mix. Otherwise, the mixing here is quite good, and the dreamy solo at 1:42 helps hit the piece home towards the end. Really catchy and cute piece overall, Vater! Keep up the good work. ^_^

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

Policy Research

Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

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