I like the arpeggios at around :27. I wasn’t a big fan of the gritty synth chords at the beginning - they sound very distorted. Part of the problem might be that the notes are too close together to sound distinct from each other, especially in the bass range. Moving one of those lines up an octave might help.
The piece is pretty slow to progress, and continues to have a pretty muddy texture, but it also has a nice sense of build into 1:12. I thought the refrain at 1:13 was a bit short-lived, although the airy drums at 1:27 and the re-intro at 1:31 were both good ideas. I appreciate that you were trying to do something different during the second refrain at 2:07, but the added distortion there doesn’t really help give this piece a strong sense of development. The distortion also causes the drums to duck under the mix a bit there.
Overall, I can tell you have a good sense of harmony and progression, but the sound design here is pretty cliche and unpolished, and the mix felt both a little too loose and rather undecorated at times. I’d suggest using at most one synth that’s from the kind of square wave oscillators I think you’re using here (3xOsc, maybe?) and balancing out the mix with some thinner, cleaner instruments. Then you will have more space in the mix to add some more reverb and effects that’ll jazz up this minimal texture.
Still, this is a catchy and upbeat piece with a lot of potential, and I hope you’ll keep working on it. Keep at it, Magicnumber69420! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score