I like the combination of the chill guitars and groovy percussion. The melodic content is really cute, and the piece has a smooth flow too. At around :25, I think the organ could've been a bit more legato - the short breaks between notes disrupt the flow a bit. By :53, though, that problem solves itself. I really like the bells/chimes at 1:30, and the rest of the sound design too for that matter. I think my biggest complaint here is probably that the piece could've felt a little more dynamic. I know it's supposed to be chill, but the riffs got a little repetitive by the end. The modulation at 2:55 was certainly a step in the right direction, but they're still the same riffs, just transposed. Overall, really strong work with the melodies, rhythmic content, production, and structuring. Also fits the art perfectly. Keep at it, Petrol4brains! ^^