Gosh darn it, man. Don't you know arithmetic operations involving infinity just yield infinity? Wait, of course you do. You're, like, super smart and stuff. My bad.
Anyway, this is a really cool track. I love the furtive mood at the beginning and the synths. The melodies are catchy and cool. Appropriate amount of reverb too. Perhaps it progresses a bit slowly until around 1:10, but it was well worth the wait. You just kinda have these awesome solos coming out of nowhere all the time, even in the breakdown at 2:08, and I'm loving it! Sure, it's not the best for coherence purposes, but overall I thought you tied it together pretty well. Classic "Light Up"-style modulation at 3:18. I'm not sure the coda felt as, well, conclusive as I'd have liked it to. The ending itself was fine, but things didn't really ever seem to be winding down, y'know? Overall, though, great work. I continue to admire your work from afar (i.e., Maine), even if I save all my binge-reviews and downloads for when I'm back home from school. I'm looking forward to your future tracks, but in the meantime enjoy your Thanksgiving! :D