I like the quirky atmosphere at the beginning, although the sub-bass at :09 is seriously distorting the other instruments. I think you need to separate out the frequencies in the sub-bass and the harmonies with an equalizer. To be clear, that means putting an equalizer on each instrument besides the bass and kick and removing all the pitches below around 200 Hz. Right now, the mix is distorted enough that, for most of the piece, I can barely hear anything besides the sub and the drums.
Composition-wise, the piece also needs a lot more depth and variety. That said, I like the atmospheric bridge at 1:36, and also how you switched up the snare at 1:56. The sweep at 2:32 also sounds pretty cool. Otherwise, the entire piece is just very bland and repetitive. I’d encourage you to keep working on this, though. It has a lot of potential between the dark mood, sound design, and rich atmosphere. It just needs a thicker texture, a more well-balanced mix, and more variation in the harmonies. Keep at it, xvndex! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score