I like the ominous mood at the beginning, although the texture is very distorted and the transition into :17 could’ve been a tad smoother. That said, I like the groovy synth bass at :17 and the quirky lead synth that comes in shortly thereafter. There’s a bit of dissonance in the texture starting at around :45, although by 1:01 I’m enjoying the punchy melodies, even though it’s really hard to hear some of the instruments. I’d double-check to make sure that none of the harmonic instruments (i.e., everything besides the bass and drums) have frequencies below about 200 Hz in the equalizer. The main melody has a bit of a strange contour, with a lot of notes that feel a bit superfluous. It might be a good idea to simplify it a bit the first time around, just to get your listener accustomed to the superstructure, then when it plays again at 2:02 and beyond you can use all the notes you used before.
The breakdown at 2:37 helped add some structural contrast, and the prominent bass line at 2:54 and syncopations at 3:12 were good for some variety too. In general, the rhythmic content and sound design of this piece are really good. By 3:30, I’m really liking the “hierarchically flat” distribution of sound here, where there isn’t one particular riff or instrument that captures my attention much more than the others. That said, it could still be easier to hear all of the instruments in the mix. By the time the main melody returns at 4:04, there’s a bit too much dissonance in the texture again. I think you tried to do a bit too much with this final refrain harmonically. Also the transition at 4:57 is pretty sudden, and the outro with the descending bass line feels a bit out-of-place. These sudden transitions could often be smoothed over with just a little more foreshadowing, even a sweep, drum fill, or some filtering.
Overall, there are a lot of good ideas here. Love the ghostly mood and the catchy synth riffs. At times, the harmonies clash a bit, and the production quality could be a lot sharper, but the compositional details are really fun and the instrumentation is great. Keep at it, Snoot-Doot! ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score