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This is a fun change from your usual classical/jazz content. Like a lot of your tracks, though, it's a bit repetitive. The instruments and moods were cool, but some transitions, like :51, were pretty sudden. The structure might need some work, too, just to add some dynamic contrast: a bridge/breakdown would add a lot to the piece. The whole song felt very mechanical. I would've liked to see some rhythmic variation. The guitar/synth at 1:28 helped, but I wish you showed it off a bit more and made it more melodic. It sounds a lot like background music instead of something I would listen to because I wanted to listen to the song. You might also want to make your drums a little more interesting. However, I liked the way you ended the piece with the tempo automations. It does have a lot of potential. Try to aim for more variation and melodic content, though. Hope this was helpful! ;D

W00ki3 responds:

I wanted to did this song mechanical because it's about a booble town XD you need to creat in your mind a this world with this mechanical rythm. And you are right it's a background music for a animation movie ;) Thx for opinion a lot ;)

The tempo is a little slow, and it progresses pretty slowly, although I like what you did with the dynamics starting around :25. The piano was a little too loud after 1:03. The strings are more melodic, so I think they should be more up-front in the mix if you know what I mean. I like the mood and instruments, though. I thought the transition at 2:16 was a little sudden. It might need some more melodic development in general because overall it was very slow and even melodramatic. Also, fade-out endings aren't really interesting for me. I like the structure, though. Overall, it's pretty good. The tempo, progression, and "balance" of volumes are my main issues with it. Also, you should try uploading more often. You'll improve faster that way. ;D

I love the melody and instruments. It is pretty simple, and I wish there was a little more dynamic contrast, but it's still a cool and cute little piece. I love how the strings get a little solo of their own at 1:04. The progression and structure is pretty interesting. The ending caught me off guard a bit, though. It might help if you have the second-to-last chord lead into the last one rather than have a pause in between. Anyway, overall good job. Keep at it man! ;D

W00ki3 responds:

I'm really glad to read that ;) Thanks a lot ;) I'll do my best and try to compose a better one with perfectly technic ;)

It starts off a little slowly, but the beat is very catchy and even danceable. It gets repetitive a lot, and it could use some more rhythmic variation, especially with the bass. I thought the piano and strings were a little too loud and penetrating as compared to the relaxing mood. That said, I love the structure and instruments. I just think it could use some more variation. For example, instead of just repeating the same riff at the end four times in a row with the saxophone, how about you add onto it and add a couple more notes each time, just for some melodic development? A more conclusive ending might also help. Overall, though, it's good. I like your style, W00ki3. It has a lot of potential. Keep it up! ;D

It's catchy and cool, but I totally agree with you about the pacing. It progresses really slowly at the beginning, and then the synth at :35 seems totally random. I think you should at least have some sort of synth or pad going on at the beginning, just so :35 isn't a total shock. After that, it's very repetitive and lacks variation. I also thought the drums were a little bit loud on the transitions (like at 2:23), but then got a little distorted in the mix. Still, I like the instruments and mood and I think it has a lot of potential. I like this style of music, but I think the structure and variety could use some work. Not your best track in my opinion, TeraVex, but any way to get out of writer's block is a good way, I suppose! ;D

TeraVex responds:

Thanks for the criticism!
It really helps!
Yea, I'm definitely cleaning this up a little!

I love the instruments, especially the percussion. It's well-varied and well-structured and climactic. It's a very interesting take on Jingle Bells. That clap that first comes in at :38 seems a bit too emphatic and reverb-y for a piece like this, especially at 1:12. The melodies and harmonies are cool, though. The fade-out ending was a little disappointing, but overall it's a great piece for some light listening during a crazy time of the year! ;D

johnfn responds:

Thanks! Though I have no clue what you mean by jingle bells. Possibly all this christmas spirit has driven you crazy :D Or maybe it's those tams that sound a little like sleigh bells. The clap was a tough call, but you have a good ear for pointing it out for sure, I could have toned it down at points.

I was wondering why I seem to like fadeouts more than everyone else, and it may have something to do with how, like, all of my favorite artists make liberal use of the fade out ending. Though it's also got me studying endings a little more, so I can understand options...

I love the melodies and instruments. It gets pretty repetitive after about a minute in, though. At 1:37, that hat didn't really add much more to the piece, even if it did add some energy. The beat is very danceable, but overall it's too atmospheric and mellow to be traditional dance music imo. I'd call it progressive trance or maybe IDM. To be perfectly honest, I was a little disappointed with the lack of melodic variation, something you're usually very good at. The emotion is good, but I'm not finding as many ways to stay engaged as in your other tracks, Johnfn. Also, the ending was a little cliché. Although dance music can be very repetitive, it also can have a lot of structural variation and a very complex texture. Maybe the relatively thin texture of tracks like Undersea World is fitting for that genre, but I think dance music should have more substance than this, Johnfn. The melody essentially repeats for the entire length of the track, and after a while it detracts from my enjoyment of the song. No more chill basses in "dance" tracks, either, please! I dare you to use the Ableton equivalent of 3xOsc or Ts404. :D Maybe you could even remake one of your old tracks from, say, 2009 or earlier. Maybe later I'll PM you some examples of modern dance music. I'll make sure you end up on my "Party Mix" playlist eventually, Johnfn! ;D

johnfn responds:

Mmm well some guy told me that dance had repetitive melodies soooooooooo

Eh but really I think that the appreciation of this piece stems from whether you enjoy that one melody or not really. The song was a bit of an experiment in having a single melody last throughout the entire song, which is something I haven't done in a long time because I didn't think any of my melodies were good enough. Songs HAVE been written that are just a single melody the whole time (and they can be amazing), so I know it's possible... just probably outside of my reach right now.

Lol yeah though I really do need to use more interesting basses. I switched up in my latest track because of that. Actually my latest is similar to this song in that it lives off the strength of a single melody, but I thought back to this review and added some variation in there ;-) YAY FOR LEARNING FROM MISTAKES!

Hi. I'm Andrew. Audio portal junkie since 2010, supporter since 2017. I always want to improve what I do! I make music, run the NGUAC, post poetry on BBS, and am the all-time #2 audio reviewer. I love this site, and I want to make it the best I can! ^_^

Andrew Mikula @TaintedLogic

Age 27, Male

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Bates College

Wellesley, Massachusetts

Joined on 8/16/12

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