I like the catchy guitar riff at the beginning and the ghostly pads at :08. Really strong vocals as always - love the harsh, almost judgemental tone they have. The lyrics themselves are also really strong, centered around a very versatile metaphor. Is it literally about a human relationship? Or someone’s unhealthy habit (drugs, gambling, etc.)? The lyrics leave all of that ambiguous, which is what I like about them. If there’s one thing I had to critique about the lyrics (or really about their delivery), it’s that the line “you can walk away” didn’t feel like it deserved the weight of 4 full measures every time it’s delivered.
Structurally, the piece is smooth-flowing and arranged well, although the copy-paste of the refrain at 2:32 felt a bit underwhelming. Even harmonizing it a bit more the second time around would be preferable imo. The solo at 2:50 was refreshing, a nice climactic way of hitting the piece home. The mixing is solid, but not perfect. The drums are crisp and loud, but at times the pads sound a bit too front-and-center to cut through when the vocals and guitar are playing simultaneously. Overall, despite my nitpicks, this is a really strong piece, Mischa-head! Love the sound design, progression, vocals, and melodies here. Thanks for coming out to the NGUAC. ^_^
Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score